Ten Years of Cluster Ensemble

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“I´m very much looking forward to our tour. We are celebrating a ten-year anniversary with music which was with us in our beginnings,” says Ivan Šiller. He is talking about the anniversary of Cluster ensemble’s formation and is musically referring to Steve Reich.

June 15th 2009, Bratislava, the Music Shop at Medená Street
Ivan Šiller and a group of Academy of Performing Arts students are performing Six Pianos by Steve Reich. After the legendary concert Cluster ensemble is formed.


June 24th 2019, Prague, The National Theatre
Cluster Ensemble is celebrating its birthday with Reich and a premiere of Patterns, a new performance combining music, dance, and light art.


What happened in between these 2 dates: the album Cluster ensemble Plays Philip Glass, the thrilled Philip Glass publishing the recording in his own publishing house, praising reviews by Pitchfork and The Guardian, a radio play dedicated to Milan Adamčiak, a double nomination for the Tatra Banka Foundation Art Award, dozens of concerts, a creative adventure to be continued.


Happy birthday, Cluster ensemble!