Beginning of the year in the sign of education

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The first three months of the new year was about education, seminars, and workshops, and I still enjoy it. It brings me joy to share my skills alongside colleagues, teachers, and especially young talented aspiring artists.


At the turn of January and February, together with Tomáš Boroš and Kristína Uhlíková, we led 4 seminars as part of the innovative education program of Superar. The seminars were titled “Music and Creativity as a Teacher Development Tool,” where we combined both musical and pedagogical skills.


Later, I came to Banská Štiavnica as a lecturer for the seminar “Special Piano Playing Techniques.” This year, I also participated in the Good Education Festival ALMA in Zvolen, where together with colleagues from Superar, I led a musical interactive workshop “Shared Sound Ensemble.”

“We received great feedback on your workshop. Everyone was thrilled! We are very happy to be able to collaborate with Superar at our school, and we greatly appreciate your work,” wrote organization CEEV Živica about this seminar.


Marián Varga is a name you can often hear from me, so I am always extremely excited when I can present his personality and work to music teachers or students from art schools across Slovakia – even the seminar in March was no exception.


This month, April, will be more focused on concerts, but more about that in the next blog. 🙂

