March: Workshops, Tour, Talks

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Ivan’s planner is completely full for the month of March. He is going to give concerts both solo and with an ensemble, lecture, inspire others (and himself), and debate. As always, he will manage it all. Make sure to join him someplace.


At the Church Conservatory in Bratislava, he is going to deliver a VENI ACADEMY workshop / March 12th


Ivan is also taking the popular Talk/Play/Share workshop to the Private Conservatory of Dezider Kardoš in Topoľčany / March 21st


For the solo recital at the Great Concert Hall of the Slovak Radio, he has chosen a program consisting of works by Berg, Boulez, Schönberg, Kurtág and Messiaen / March 26th


Ivan is also going to be a part of events, in which spoken word plays the main part – as a guest of Matúš Bišťan in InMusic Talks / March 15th and as a presenter in an evening program of the Devín Radio / March 20th


Together with Ensemble Ricercata he is giving concerts in Banská Štiavnica (March 16th), Nitra (March 17th), Rimavská Sobota (March 19th), Senica (March 29th), Šurany (March 30th), and Nové Zámky (March 31st).