Workshop Months and Numbers in Prešov

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30. August 2022, 09:00
Divadlo VIOLA, Prešov

“The seminar was amazingly creative and very playful. The best thing was that I experienced everything actively and not as a passive listener.”

“Super seminar, best lecturers, very enriching and interesting teaching methods.”


We are talking about the educational seminar Months and Numbers, which is taught by Tomáš Boroš and Ivan Šiller, experienced teachers and pianists. Dozens of music teachers all over Slovakia who have completed these educational activities in the past expressed themselves in similar superlatives.

Date: 30 August 2022
Range: 9:00 – 12:30, lunch break
Place: VIOLA, Tkáčska 6507/2, 080 01 Prešov


The collections of musical educational activities “Moons” and “Numbers” are based on the musical pedagogical concepts of C. Orff and Z. Kodály. Individual activities in the synthesis of the speech – movement – music triad develop musical abilities – especially auditory-perceptual, rhythmic, intonation, auditory-motor, musical memory and imagination. They move towards elementary musical creation (improvisation and composition). The names of the individual months of the year and the numbers from one to twenty form the material for rythming, movement, intonation and understanding the functioning of the musical structure. The methodological material is suitable for choirmasters of children’s choirs as well as for teachers of music subjects in primary and secondary schools (music education, music theory, singing, it can also be adapted to certain aspects of playing instruments). In addition, working with speech enables a wide variety of cross-subject relationships (English language, Slovak language, mathematics, elementary school, etc.), the methodology can thus be an inspiration even for teachers of non-musical subjects.

The event is held as part of the InMusic year-round activity project, which is supported from public funds by the Slovak Arts Council. With a financial support of Music Fund Slovakia.  With the support of SOZA. Media partners are Hudobný život and Opera Slovakia. The partner is Superar Slovakia.