JAMA 2019 – the 73rd year of Milan Adamčiak is behind us. Has Ivan had some time to think about his impressions? What was the 1st week of October in Banská Štiavnica like?
We asked Ivan immediately after his return from the festival:
What was going on in Banská Štiavnica?
“It was a meeting of artists and locals – friendly and open. Concerts, lectures, performance – I found everything inspiring, everything was taking place in almost unreal mutual understanding.”
“It was a meeting of artists and locals – friendly and open. Concerts, lectures, performance – I found everything inspiring, everything was taking place in almost unreal mutual understanding.”
What does JAMA mean for you?
“It is a proof, that in case there are relationships, high art can talk to people, who would not encounter it otherwise. We have them (the relationships) in Banská Belá and Podhorie, where Adamčiak lived for his last couple of years, already established.”
“It is a proof, that in case there are relationships, high art can talk to people, who would not encounter it otherwise. We have them (the relationships) in Banská Belá and Podhorie, where Adamčiak lived for his last couple of years, already established.”
What´s next?
“JAMA is a demanding project, but we are already planning the next year´s edition.”
“JAMA is a demanding project, but we are already planning the next year´s edition.”
This is how the festival looked like.
Pics: Ján Viazanička